100 Year Old Kitchen Needs a Dishwasher in a Week

These Clients wanted a quick update to their kitchen, main transition happened in less than a week. The tile backsplash was added later. The back door to the right of the cabinets required that the cabinets on that side have less depth. By creating the dogleg jog on the countertop, we allowed enough depth for the dishwasher.

From the Clients - “The many improvements Greene Lawson has made to our home (built in 1909) have improved our lives in many ways!  He's overseen the modernization of our lighting and electrical system throughout (to code), brought our bathrooms into the 21st century, and added critically-needed ventilation to our attic. But perhaps the greatest feat of all is how he transformed our kitchen from its rustic farmhouse origins (verging on primitive) to such a beautiful place to cook as a family and be with friends—cabinets, countertops, sink, lighting and most miraculous of all, a state-of-the-art dishwasher. Aside from these material improvements, we've found him to be a great communicator, extremely honest, and more than fair with what his services cost. He makes the experience a pleasure. “

Steve & Astrid


Minor Kitchen Reset Fall 2023


Patio Covers